Start A New Claim

Initiate your claim process now!

Global Public Adjusters (GPA) is dedicated to providing unparalleled assistance to property owners in Florida, ensuring a seamless and efficient claims process, regardless of the location or type of damage incurred. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our streamlined approach, and initiating a claim with GPA is a straightforward and hassle-free process.

Your swift, maximal compensation is within reach!

Here’s a detailed explanation of how Global Public Adjusters is prepared to kickstart your claim, no matter where you are in Florida and irrespective of the nature of the damage to your property:

  1. Accessibility and Reachability: GPA understands the urgency and importance of initiating a claim promptly. To begin the process, all you need to do is reach out to us. We have established multiple channels of communication, including phone lines, emails, and an online contact form on our website, making it convenient for you to get in touch.

  2. Prompt Response: Once you contact us, our team of experienced professionals is ready to provide a prompt response. Our commitment to customer service ensures that your initial inquiry is met with the attention it deserves. We prioritize swift communication to address your concerns and start the claim process without unnecessary delays.

  3. Free Inspection Scheduling: GPA recognizes the importance of a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the damage to your property accurately. To facilitate this, we offer a complimentary initial inspection. Our team will work with you to schedule a convenient time for our licensed adjusters to visit your property and conduct a comprehensive assessment.

In conclusion, Global Public Adjusters stands ready to initiate your claim, offering a seamless and efficient process. Regardless of your location in Florida or the type of damage your property has suffered, our team is dedicated to providing personalized, expert assistance to help you navigate the complexities of the insurance claims process. Contact us today, and let us take the lead in securing the compensation you deserve for your property damage.

Unmatched Expertise and Comprehensive Support:

Global Public Adjusters stands as an unwavering ally for property owners, demonstrating readiness to tackle claims of any size or type, be it residential or commercial. With a commitment to excellence, our team is licensed, bonded, and comprised of experts across every facet of the field. Our comprehensive services cover assessment, estimating, consulting, negotiation, and an intricate understanding of policy language. Regardless of the complexity or scale of the claim, we leverage our extensive knowledge to provide tailored solutions. Our seasoned professionals guide clients through the entire process, offering a seamless experience from the initial assessment to the final resolution.

Our expertise extends beyond mere claim management—we proactively identify the most suitable restoration services to mitigate losses effectively. Whether it’s a residential property or a commercial establishment, our team’s proficiency ensures that every claim is handled with precision and care.

Global Public Adjusters for Claims of Any Scale or Damage Type:

At Global Public Adjusters, we pride ourselves on the warmth with which we interact with our clients. Understanding the stress and uncertainty that often accompany property damage, we prioritize clear communication and empathetic support. Clients can trust in our commitment to their best interests, and our client-centric approach is reflected in our ability to alleviate concerns, provide clarity, and guide them through the entire claims process.

Moreover, our dedication to transparency and client well-being is further exemplified by our no upfront cost policy. Clients can engage our services without financial burden, allowing them to focus on recovery while we diligently work towards securing the compensation they rightfully deserve. In every aspect, Global Public Adjusters is not just a claims management firm; we are a beacon of expertise, support, and warmth for property owners navigating the challenges of damage recovery.

Global Public Adjusters: Comprehensive Insurance Claim Handling Process

Initial Assessment:

  • On-Site Inspection: Our experienced adjusters conduct a thorough on-site inspection to assess the extent of the damage, documenting visible and underlying issues.
  • Documentation: We meticulously document all damages with photographs, measurements, and detailed notes to build a comprehensive case for the insurance claim.

Estimation and Evaluation:

  • Damage Estimation: Our experts utilize their deep understanding of construction and repair costs to provide accurate estimates for the damages incurred.
  • Policy Review: We scrutinize the insurance policy to ensure a precise understanding of coverage limits, exclusions, and applicable deductibles.

Consulting and Strategy Development:

  • Client Consultation: We engage in transparent and informative discussions with clients, explaining the assessment findings, estimated costs, and the overall strategy moving forward.
  • Strategy Development: A tailored strategy is developed, outlining the most effective approach for maximizing compensation within the confines of the insurance policy.

Negotiation with Insurance Company:

  • Expert Negotiation: Armed with a comprehensive understanding of both the damages and the policy, our skilled negotiators engage with the insurance company to secure the maximum compensation.
  • Clear Communication: Throughout the negotiation process, we maintain open and transparent communication with our clients, providing updates and addressing any queries or concerns.

Policy Language Interpretation:

  • In-Depth Understanding: Our team possesses a nuanced understanding of insurance policy language, ensuring that every term and condition is interpreted accurately to benefit the client.
  • Advocacy: We advocate for clients by leveraging policy language to substantiate the extent of the damages and the need for maximum compensation.

Restoration Services and Mitigation Coordination:

  • Vendor Recommendations: Based on the assessment, we recommend and coordinate with reputable restoration services to initiate the repair and mitigation process.
  • Ongoing Supervision: We oversee the restoration process, ensuring that it aligns with the estimated costs and meets the necessary standards for quality and completeness.

Client-Centric Approach:

  • Empathetic Support: Recognizing the stress associated with property damage, we maintain a client-centric approach, offering empathetic support and addressing client concerns promptly.
  • Clear Communication: Clients are kept informed at every step, ensuring transparency and fostering a sense of control over the claims process.

Maximizing Compensation:

  • Thorough Documentation: Our detailed documentation, strategic negotiation, and policy expertise converge to maximize compensation, covering both immediate and long-term restoration needs.
  • Persistence: We persistently pursue the best possible outcome for our clients, ensuring that they receive the compensation they deserve for a full recovery.

No Upfront Cost:

  • Financial Relief: Our commitment to client welfare is exemplified by our no upfront cost policy. Clients can engage our services without financial strain, focusing on recovery while we handle the complexities of the claim.

In every step of the process, Global Public Adjusters demonstrates unwavering dedication to achieving the maximum compensation for our clients, providing them with a seamless and supportive experience throughout the insurance claim journey.

Start The Claim Process Today



Understand "The Insurance Claim Process" with Global Public Adjusters. We'll assist you all the way through the claim till you get your correct cash award settlement.


In the case where a claim might have already been denied it is no problem to reopen the case and request a reevaluation of the factors and policy terms.


In a case where the insurance company has come up with too low an initial offer than expected, Global Public Adjusters will file for a reappraisal of the claim.

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