Hail Damage Claims

Hail Damage In Central Florida

Unleashing its icy assault, hail can wreak havoc on your property, inflicting a range of damages that pose both visible and hidden challenges. The pelting force of hailstones can lead to unmistakable dents on roofs, shattered windows, and compromised siding. However, the insidious nature of hail damage extends beyond the apparent, with the subtler deterioration of outdoor structures and the potential for long-term issues such as water intrusion and compromised structural integrity.

The aftermath of a hailstorm introduces a host of troubles, from the immediate concerns of property damage to the impending challenges associated with navigating insurance claims. At Global Public Adjusters, our specialized team of public adjusters understands the intricate nuances of hail damage and is committed to documenting its multifaceted impact comprehensively. We recognize that the emotional and financial toll can be overwhelming, underscoring the importance of swift and effective resolution.

Working exclusively on behalf of the policyholder and not the insurance company, our public adjusters meticulously assess and document the extent of hail damage. From the initial inspection to negotiating with the insurance company, our goal is to expedite the claims process, securing the maximum compensation required for prompt repairs and the holistic restoration of your property. If your property has weathered the storm of a hail event, trust our dedicated team at Global Public Adjusters to provide expert guidance, unwavering advocacy, and a steadfast commitment to navigating the complexities of hail damage with precision and care.

How to Identify hail damage to your roof

Identifying hail damage to your roof is a crucial step in safeguarding the integrity of your home. After a hailstorm, conduct a visual inspection of your roof for signs of damage. Look for dents or depressions on metal components such as vents, gutters, and downspouts. Examine asphalt shingles for dark spots, bruising, or cracks. Check for granule loss, as hail impact can dislodge the protective granules on shingles. Inspect flat roofs for punctures or tears in the membrane. Additionally, check for any newly formed leaks in your attic or ceiling, as these may indicate hidden hail damage. 

Hail damage to a roof is a multifaceted issue influenced by several key factors, including the density of the hail, the type of roof material, wind speed during the storm, and the size of the hailstones.

  1. Hail Density: The density of hail refers to the concentration of hailstones in a given area. Higher hail density increases the likelihood of damage, as more impact points on the roof can lead to a greater extent of harm. Thick clusters of hailstones can cause significant bruising, dents, and fractures on various roofing materials.

  2. Roof Material: The type of roofing material plays a crucial role in how it responds to hail impact. For instance, asphalt shingles may exhibit bruising, cracking, or loss of granules, while wooden shakes can splinter or crack under intense hailstorms. Metal roofs may dent, and flat roofs with membrane layers can suffer punctures.

  3. Wind Speed: Wind speed during a hailstorm contributes to the force with which hailstones strike the roof. Higher wind speeds can exacerbate the impact, causing more severe damage. Wind-driven hail may not only hit the roof directly but also cause hail to be propelled horizontally, increasing the potential for widespread damage.

  4. Hail Size: The size of hailstones is a critical determinant of the damage they can inflict. Larger hailstones can cause more significant harm to roofing materials, leading to fractures, punctures, or dislodgment of protective layers. Smaller hailstones may still cause damage, especially if accompanied by high wind speeds.

Understanding these factors is essential for homeowners to assess the potential impact of a hailstorm on their roofs. After such an event, it’s advisable to conduct a thorough inspection, looking for visible signs of damage such as dents, fractures, or granule loss. At Global Public Adjusters, we  provide a comprehensive evaluation, ensuring that all aspects of hail damage are identified and appropriately addressed in any insurance claims


Understand "The Insurance Claim Process" with Global Public Adjusters. We'll assist you all the way through the claim till you get your correct cash award settlement.


In the case where a claim might have already been denied it is no problem to reopen the case and request a reevaluation of the factors and policy terms.


In a case where the insurance company has come up with too low an initial offer than expected, Global Public Adjusters will file for a reappraisal of the claim.

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