About Us

Top-tier professionals representing you and protecting your interests.

Global Public Adjusters is a distinguished and highly qualified public adjusting firm headquartered in South Florida. We specialize in providing comprehensive services to both residential and commercial property owners. Our team of seasoned public adjusters possesses extensive expertise in loss assessment and policy coverage analysis. Many of our adjusters hold degrees, licenses, and certifications in fields such as engineering, construction, and restoration, further enhancing their ability to evaluate property damage accurately. We maintain close collaborations with legal professionals, appraisers, and other specialists as needed to facilitate the expedited and optimal settlement of claims for our clients. Our primary commitment is to ensure that our clients receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to in a timely and efficient manner.

At Global Public Adjusters, we take pride in our unwavering commitment to serve our valued customers with unparalleled excellence, and we look ahead with eager anticipation to the prospect of engaging with you in this shared journey. The difficult intricacies of the insurance claim process are well understood by us, and our unwavering commitment lies in unburdening our clients from its inherent complexities. With our presence in numerous Florida locations, such as Miami-Dade, Palm Beach County, Fort Myers, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, and Tallahassee, we have established a broad geographical reach, covering the entirety of the state. This extensive network ensures our ability to serve you, regardless of your location within Florida.

Policy coverage specialists.

Global Public Adjusters is dedicated to helping policyholders understand their insurance coverage and maximize their compensation after a disaster. Navigating insurance policies can indeed be a complex and challenging task, especially during difficult times when individuals and businesses are trying to recover.

Insurance policies often contain various clauses, exclusions, and limitations that can be difficult for the average person to interpret and fully comprehend. Public adjusters play a valuable role in assisting policyholders in the realm of policy coverage. At Global Public Adjusters, our seasoned public adjusters possess an in-depth understanding of the intricate details and fine print found within insurance policies, allowing them to decipher complex language and clauses that might otherwise elude the average policyholder. Our public adjusters diligently review policies to discern the extent of coverage, exclusions, and limitations. Their expertise extends to recognizing potential gaps or ambiguities within policies that might hinder an insured party’s ability to obtain rightful compensation in the event of a disaster or loss. By leveraging their profound knowledge, our public adjusters can effectively guide clients in maximizing their compensation and ensuring that they receive a fair and comprehensive settlement when the need arises.

How a Public Adjuster's Knowledge of Insurance Policies can Help Facilitate Restoration Services:

Public adjusters play a crucial role in helping homeowners get restoration services performed on their property based on the coverages allowed in their insurance policies. Their invaluable knowledge of insurance policies empowers homeowners in various ways, offering them a much-needed advantage. A good example of this concept can be found in regard to Mold Remediation.

Challenges with Mold Testing:

Insurance companies may sometimes appear hesitant to dispatch mold testers, even in situations where water damage suggests the potential for mold growth. These reservations could be linked to various factors:

1. Policy Language: Insurance policies often vary in the extent of mold coverage they offer. If the policy lacks clear provisions for mold-related damage or testing in the absence of visible mold, insurance companies may turn down the prospect of sending a mold tester.

2. Visible Mold Requirement: Many policies mandate the visibility of mold before covering testing and remediation expenses. Without visible mold, insurance companies may argue that there is no immediate need for testing.

3. Cost Concerns: Mold testing and remediation can be expensive. Insurance companies may be hesitant to bear these costs unless they are convinced that mold growth is a direct result of a covered loss.

In such scenarios, homeowners can benefit immensely from our public adjusters who skillfully navigate discussions with the insurance company, showcasing the potential risks tied to water damage and the necessity for preventative measures against mold growth. At Global Public Adjusters, our experienced professionals are invaluable allies in advocating for homeowners’ rights and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

Florida Natives Since
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Hurricane Seasons
One Family Three Generations of Experience Working For You
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Million in Awards Recovered
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Thousand Claims Filed

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